Jellyfish Home Learning
Our class email address is
Please go through the home learning with your child. The answers are at the back of the CGP books. Please make corrections or tick with a coloured pencil.
Messages from Mrs Zalman
- I would like to share this great website for practising maths skills:
- Here is the link for spelling shed:
- We will be checking reading planners every Friday to count how many times the children have read in a week. We have set the minimum to 3 times a week for which they will earn 3 dojos. They will get 10 dojos if they read 7 times. Please make sure you are writing in their diary every time they read - the date, which book and a short comment on their reading. Thank you.
Home Learning 04.02.25 - Due 10.02.25
Maths CGP - Page 28 (Quarters and thirds)
Grammar CGP - Page 9 (Staying in the same tense)
Comprehension group only - Comprehension CGP - Page 8 (Amy Johnson)
Home Learning 29.01.25 - Due 03.02.25
Maths CGP - Page 27 (Double and Half)
Grammar CGP - Page 7 (adverbs)
Comprehension group only - Comprehension CGP - Page 7 (Pippa's Star)
Home Learning 21.01.25 - Due 27.01.25 FOR OUR CLASS ASSEMBLY ON THIS DAY
Please practice your lines for the class assembly and the songs below:
Home Learning 15.01.25 - Due back 20.01.25
Maths CGP - Page 42 (3D shapes)
Grammar CGP - Page 4 (Verbs)
Comprehension group only - Comprehension CGP - Page 6 (The Owl and the Pussycat)
Home Learning 07.01.25 - Due back 13.01.25
Maths CGP - Page 41 (2D shapes)
Grammar CGP - Page 11 (When, if, that and because)
Comprehension group only - Comprehension CGP - Page 5 (Get well soon)
Home Learning 10.12.24 - Due back 17.12.24
Maths CGP - Page 23 (Times tables)
Grammar CGP - Page 51 (Homophones)
Comprehension group only - Page 4 (No teacher)
Home learning 03.12.24 - Due back 09.12.24
Maths CGP - Page 22 (Times tables)
Grammar CGP - Page 28 (Long 'i' sound)
For the comprehension group only - CGP Comprehension Page 3 (Seasons)
Home Learning 19.11.24 - Due back 25.11.24
Maths CGP - Page 9 (The number line).
Grammar CGP - Page 27 (Long 'e' sound)
For the comprehension group only - CGP Comprehension Page 2 (Making Lemonade)
Home Learning 05.11.24 - Due back 11.11.24
Maths CGP - Page 8 (Twos, threes, fives and tens).
Grammar CGP - Page 10 (Using and, but and or)
For the comprehension group only - CGP Comprehension Page 1 (How to grow a seed).
Half Term home learning - Due back 04.11.24
Maths CGP – Page 2 if not already completed
Grammar CGP – Page 26 if not already completed
Read at least 5 times with 5 signatures in the diaries. These can be books from home, Oxford Owl, Bug club or our school reading books.
Your project for half term is to make a model or drawing of an African animal out of anything you like and bring the model or a photo of it into school (or sent to the jellyfish email address - You might make a Lion out of biscuits or a rhino out of Lego. You could paint or use colouring pencils or pastels to create a picture of an elephant. You could use junk modelling or clay or even make a collage. Anything you like!
Home Learning 16.10.24 - Due back 22.10.24
Grammar CGP - Page 17 (Question marks and exclamation marks)
Maths CGP - Page 37 (Money)
Home Learning 08.10.24 - Due back 15.10.24
Grammar CGP - Page 16 (Capital letters and Full stops)
Maths CGP - Page 18 (Addition)
Home Learning 01.10.24 - Due back 07.10.24
Grammar CGP - Page 8 (types of sentences)
Maths CGP - Page 17 (Addition)
Home Learning 24.09.24 - Due back 30.09.24
Grammar CGP - Page 3 (Noun phrases)
Maths CGP - Page 16 (Number bonds)
Home Learning 17.09.24 - Due back 23.09.24 - PLEASE CHECK THE PAGE NUMBERS CAREFULLY
Grammar CGP - Page 6 (Adjectives)
Maths CGP - Page 11 (Ordering and comparing numbers)
Jellyfish Home Learning 11.09.24 - Due back 16.09.24
Grammar CGP - Page 2 (Nouns)
Maths CGP - Page 6 (Place Value)