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Jellyfish Home Learning

Our class email address is

Please go through the home learning with your child. The answers are at the back of the CGP books. Please make corrections or tick with a coloured pencil. 

Messages from Mrs Zalman

  • I would like to share this great website for practising maths skills:
  • Here is the link for spelling shed:
  • We will be checking reading planners every Friday to count how many times the children have read in a week. We have set the minimum to 3 times a week for which they will earn 3 dojos. They will get 10 dojos if they read 7 times. Please make sure you are writing in their diary every time they read - the date, which book and a short comment on their reading. Thank you.

Home Learning 17.09.24 - Due back 23.09.24 - PLEASE CHECK THE PAGE NUMBERS CAREFULLY

Grammar CGP -  Page 6 (Adjectives)

Maths CGP - Page 11 (Ordering and comparing numbers)

Jellyfish Home Learning 11.09.24 - Due back 16.09.24

Grammar CGP - Page 2 (Nouns)

Maths CGP - Page 6 (Place Value)