Monday 2nd September - School Closed for INSET DAY
Please remember that the school will be closed on Monday 2nd September for an INSET DAY.
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Please remember that the school will be closed on Monday 2nd September for an INSET DAY.
We hope you had a great summer break!
Please remember that school will finish on Friday 19th July at 1:30pm.
Please remember school is closed for Bank Holiday - Monday 6th May
Please remember to book an appointment to meet with your child's teacher.
The school will close on Friday 9th February for the half term break.
Please remember the school will close on Friday 15th December at 1:30pm.
Good as new uniform sale
We are very excited that this year we will again host our Winter Wonderland Party on Wednesday 6th December.
We hope you had a great half term!
The school will close for the half term break at 3:15pm on Friday 20th October.
Parents' evening appointments are now available to book. Please click here for further information on how to book an appointment.