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International Food Event & Dress up - Thurs 19th Oct

During the week (week commencing 16th October), we are going to be celebrating International Week. Each class has chosen a country to explore and will be learning about it throughout the week.

On Thursday 19th October we would like the children to come to school in non-uniform clothes and come wearing either the colours of the flag of the country their class is learning about or the traditional dress of that country.  There is no charge for this dress up day.

We are also very excited to be holding our annual International Food event on Thursday 19th October  in the playground at 3:15pm.  Please ensure you collect your children BEFORE attending the food sale.

Following the success of last year’s event, we would like to invite parents to pre-order a food box and make payment for this via our online payment system.  The cost for a large food box is £5, you are able to buy multiple food boxes. Please go to or use the link from the school website under online payments. Please make payment by Tuesday 17th October, a ticket will be sent home with your child on Tuesday afternoon. Please bring your ticket on Thursday at 3:15pm to exchange for a food box you will then be able to fill with delicious food from each stall/country.

We look forward to welcoming our families into our school on Thursday 19th October .  We will have a queuing system in place and would appreciate your patience to ensure all parents are able to access each class stall in a timely manner.