After School Activities
Maybury has a number of free after school activities offering enrichment opportunities for all our children. Letters are sent out to parents and carers at the start of each term detailing the range of activities on offer and the year groups that these activities are for. Activities may vary each term but are likely to include sport activities and creative activities.
We also offer fee paying 'After School' activities offered by an outside provider.
This term at Maybury, we are offering the following 'After School Activities.'
Take a look at some of our 'After School Activities' in action...
EYFS and KS1 Future Artists at Drawing Club
In Drawing Club, children in Starfish, Seahorses and Jellyfish have been drawing daffodils, looking really carefully at the different shapes we see.
Have a look at some of our beautiful drawings. Next week we are going to add pastels as another medium.
EYFS and KS1 Future Games player in Games Club
In Games club, we have been learning to play new games such as Jenga, Shopping List, Kerplunk and Rocket Race.
EYFS and KS1 Dance Club
We have had fun learning routines and moving in time to the music. We also love playing games together.
KS2 Drawing Club
In KS2 drawing club, we have been looking at mimicking patterns and drawing realistic animals. We focussed on horses recently.
KS2 Lego Club
In LEGO Club, the children use the BricQ Motion sets to build LEGO models which move in different ways. We have to be very careful to make sure that we collect the correct pieces and fit them together otherwise our project will not work. We always have lots of fun building the models and playing with them when they are finished.
KS2 Embroidery Club
In embroidery club, Key Stage 2 have been practising different embroidery stitches and applied them to their designs. We have had lots of practice threading needles; we are now experts! We will be continuing our project this half term and can't wait to show the finished product!
KS2 photography club
We have enjoyed an alphabet photo scavenger hunt, we needed to find objects for each letter of the alphabet and then take a photograph of them. We also did a living things scavenger hunt. Last week we looked at different angles to take photos from and the children had a go at creating their own!
Key Stage Two Multi-Sports
We have been playing different sports each week, including basketball, football and cricket. This week, we were practising badminton.
Creative Club run by Christ Church in Woking
The children have enjoyed taking part in new craft activities each week.
Gymnastics run by BDB School
The children have enjoyed learning to balance and move across the apparatus.