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Miss Frew

Class Teacher 




Mrs Everitt

Wednesday PM 



Mrs Sanderson

Teaching Assistant 

(M, T, W and F)

Miss Wickenden

Teaching assistant
(Thursday morning)



If you need to contact us please email: Our class email is checked regularly during term time. 

For google classroom:

Please click the Wonde link to type in your Emoji password to log in to Google Classroom 

For Autumn 1 we will have P.E on  Wednesday and FridayPlease wear your P.E kit on these days. 

Spring 1 Timetable


On Friday 24th January we had a successful enterprise mufti day, where the children wore their favourite colours. The day was not only vibrant and fun, but it also emphasised the importance of working together towards a common goal to raise money for school.

We were delighted to attend the drumming workshop at Halsted St Andrews, where the students engaged in learning different rhythmic patterns and echoes. It was a wonderful opportunity for them to express their creativity, and I am pleased to report that we all had a fantastic time!

In our Maths lessons, we have been focusing on formal methods for multiplication and division, specifically short multiplication and division methods. To reinforce their understanding, I would encourage you to support your child with their times tables at home, especially as we are moving on to learn about fractions next, which also relies heavily on times table knowledge.

In Science, our exploration of sound has been very engaging. The children have been experimenting with how sound travels, as well as investigating changes in volume and pitch. It has truly been a fascinating topic for all involved.

In Physical Education, Miss Young has been guiding the students through tennis, where they are learning the fundamental skills of forehand and backhand strokes. This has helped to enhance their coordination and teamwork skills.

Additionally, in Dance, we are currently working on a space-themed routine. The children have been collaborating with partners to create sequences of movements in both unison and canon, which is proving to be both challenging and enjoyable.


As we approach the end of another exciting term, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful experiences our children have had over the past few weeks.

Firstly, I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas performances as much as we did! The children displayed tremendous talent and enthusiasm, truly bringing some festive cheer to our school. It was heartwarming to see their hard work pay off and to share those joyful moments with you.

We also had the chance to enjoy the Woking pantomime of Sleeping Beauty. The children were exceptionally well-behaved, making the outing all the more enjoyable. It’s always a delight when we can enrich our curriculum with such engaging experiences.

In our design technology lessons, the children tackled their marble runs with great creativity and skill. They practised important techniques such as cutting, joining, and shaping, culminating in a fantastic project that they proudly took to our friends in Starfish class. It was wonderful to see them share their hard work and see others enjoying their creations.

As we complete our unit on Ancient Greece, I want to commend the children for their enthusiasm and interest in learning about the incredible legacy left by the ancient Greeks. Their curiosity has made for some lively discussions! Looking forward, next term we will be exploring the topic of Natural Disasters in geography, which I am sure will captivate their imaginations.

In maths, we have been focusing on position and direction, and I am pleased to report that the children have excelled in their work with coordinates. Their progress has been impressive!

As we head into the Christmas break, I encourage you all to take some time to relax and enjoy the festive season. Please remember to keep reading with your child and practising those all-important times tables. These consistent activities will help them maintain their skills while having a bit of fun at home.


In our Literacy sessions, we kicked off the term by exploring the theme of Autumn through poetry. The children enjoyed a sensory walk in the playground, gathering inspiration from the sounds, sights, scents, and textures of this vibrant season. After crafting their poems, they performed them and compiled them into a neat class book, which we look forward to sharing and revisiting together.

In History, our exploration of Ancient Greece came to life during a workshop from Chertsey Museum, where students interacted with real artefacts, such as tablets, Greek pots, and spinning tops. It was a fantastic experience that brought our learning to a new level and I’m pleased to say the children had a great time!

In our Design Technology lessons, we have started an exciting project to create marble runs. The children tested different designs to see how long they could make a marble take to travel down. They learned essential skills in cutting, shaping, and joining cardboard tubes using slot and flange joins. We are eagerly anticipating the designing and constructing phase of their actual marble runs later this term.

During our PE sessions, we have been enjoying outdoor activities focused on hockey and football. As the weather gets cooler, please ensure your child has a navy hoodie to keep warm. Additionally, encouraging them to wear gloves would be beneficial in helping them stay comfortable during these sessions.

Lastly, our music sessions have commenced, with the children beginning to learn songs in preparation for their Christmas performance at the start of December. We are enthusiastic about showcasing their hard work, so please remember to sign up if you wish to join us in celebrating their efforts.


We have had a very exciting month in Angelfish class, in literacy, we have been focusing on writing recounts, with a particular emphasis on using fronted adverbials. The children are making great progress in crafting interesting and engaging fronted adverbials with commas after them.

In Maths, we have been diving into column addition and subtraction. The children are becoming more confident in handling numbers, and I encourage you to reinforce these skills at home through practical activities.

Our P.E sessions have been lively as we practise our netball skills. The children are learning the importance of not moving with the ball and the technique of pivoting. Additionally, they are expanding their understanding of the various positions in High 5 netball, which is enhancing their teamwork and coordination.

In Learning for Life, we have been revisiting our class charter, discussing rewards and consequences. They created their own posters to express what they feel is important, fostering a sense of responsibility and community within our classroom.

In Art, the children have been sketching Greek theatre masks. I am pleased to share that some of their work will be displayed at Woking train station as part of an art project, which is a fantastic opportunity for them to showcase their creativity.

In Computing, the children have been further diving into the world of Turtle Logo and have programmed their turtle to draw different shapes and patterns using different codes, algorithms and procedures.

This week, we are also celebrating International Week, with a focus on China. As part of our food event, we will be preparing noodles. To assist with this, we will need to chop and prepare vegetables, so please ensure your child is familiar with washing, peeling, and cutting safely.

Finally, I would like to remind you of the importance of daily reading with your child at home, as well as practising their times tables using Times Table Rockstars. Thank you.


We have had a busy few weeks in Angelfish, the children have settled in well and are getting to know their new routines.

In history, we have delved into the fascinating world of ancient Greece, exploring various artefacts to understand more about this influential civilisation. The children's enthusiasm for learning about the past has been truly commendable, and it has sparked some lively discussions in class about whether children would prefer to be an Athenian or Spartan.

Our science lessons have been equally engaging, as we investigated the effects of different liquids on tooth decay. The hands-on nature of this investigation captivated the children, and it was wonderful to see them applying their knowledge in a practical context.

In art, we have been experimenting with different mediums to explore tone and texture. It has been a pleasure to witness the creativity and ingenuity of each child as they express themselves through their artwork.

Physical Education has provided an excellent opportunity for team building, with a focus on communication and tactics. The children enjoyed playing large-scale noughts and crosses, which encouraged strategic thinking, alongside by some netball practice where they have been working on chest passing, shooting, and footwork. It’s been delightful to see teamwork in action!

Looking ahead, we will be starting to focus on times tables in maths. We kindly ask that you support your child in practising these at home, as this foundational knowledge will greatly benefit their mathematical understanding. You can use Times Table Rockstars to practise these.