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Miss Moore

Assistant Headteacher

Class Teacher (Monday & Tuesday)


Mrs Wharton

Class Teacher 



Mrs Gregg



Mrs Sanderson

Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Beagle

(Wednesday afternoons)



If you need to contact us please email: Our class email is checked regularly during term time. 

For google classroom:

Please click the Wonde link to type in your Emoji password to log in to Google Classroom 

For Summer 2 we will have P.E on  Wednesday and Thursday. Please wear your P.E kit on these days. 


Summer 2 Timetable



In Angelfish, the children are learning about electrical circuits in both Science and DT. They have explored how bulbs, buzzers, and motors work in circuits. The children have investigated how to create circuits that include a combination of these components to make them work together. They have also learned about safety measures and the importance of following instructions when working with electricity.


In Computing, the children have been using micro:bits as data loggers to study sound and light in various locations around the school. They listened attentively to the different levels of sound and observed the varying intensities of light. With a keen eye for detail, they recorded their findings carefully, ready to analyse and draw conclusions from the gathered data.

In Maths lessons, the children have been learning about the 24-hour clock. They grasped the concept well, understanding the difference between AM and PM. However, some children have found it challenging to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes or even the nearest minute. Practising at home is encouraged to reinforce their learning and boost their confidence in telling time accurately please.

This term in PE lessons, the Year 4 have been learning how to sprint faster and throw with precision. They practised pushing off on their feet to run faster and throwing the discus and javelin with aim. Everyone had fun challenging themselves to improve their skills. Some found sprinting easier than throwing, while others excelled at both. The children have become more confident in their athletic abilities and were eager to keep practising to get even better.




A highlight in May so far, has been our recent visit to Buster Ancient Farm, which marked the beginning of our Roman history topic. The children had a fantastic time immersing themselves in the Roman way of life and had the opportunity to participate in various hands-on activities. They had the chance to create stunning mosaic patterns, construct flint walls, and even design their own Roman jewellery. This experience not only brought history to life but also enabled the children to deepen their understanding of the time period.

In Mathematics, we have been focusing on Roman numerals and symmetry. The children learned to recognise and use Roman numerals, which provided them with a foundation for their further explorations of the Roman era. Additionally, they have been introduced to the concept of symmetry and have been working on creating symmetric shapes and patterns. This has not only sharpened their mathematical skills but also enhanced their creative thinking abilities.

Our literacy sessions have been centered around persuasive writing. Using the AFOREST technique (Alliteration, Facts, Opinions, Rhetorical Questions, Emotive language, Statistics, and Triplets), the children have been crafting persuasive texts that effectively convey their ideas and opinions. This skill is of importance as it equips them with the ability to express their thoughts clearly and convincingly.

In Art, the children have been creating Roman Coil pots using clay. This hands-on activity has allowed them to explore the artistic techniques employed by ancient Romans while honing their fine motor skills.

During our Learning for Life lessons, we have been focusing on the theme of mending friendships. The children have been learning effective strategies to navigate conflicts and repair relationships.




We wanted to share some wonderful highlights from our recent Year 4 activities that we are sure you will be delighted to hear about!

Firstly, I am thrilled to inform you about the success of the Year 4 sleepover. Despite the challenging weather conditions, the children demonstrated exceptional teamwork skills, which were truly heartwarming to witness. They enthusiastically embarked on the experience of making their own breakfast, fostering independence and confidence among them.

In our upcoming art lessons, we will be exploring the exciting world of clay coil pots. Having researched and practised manipulating clay, the children are eager to showcase their creativity and artistic flair. This project promises to be an engaging and enriching experience for our budding artists.

In Geography, we have been delving into the topic of mountain ranges using digimaps. The children have shown great curiosity and enthusiasm in learning about these geographical features, expanding their knowledge of the world around them.


Our focus in Maths has been on statistics, beginning with the study of Venn diagrams. The children have displayed a keen interest in this area, actively participating in activities that enhance their understanding of statistical concepts. I am impressed by their engagement and progress in this challenging subject.

As we get closer to the multiplication timetable check please remind your child to continue to practise their times tables regularly at home.

Thank you!



First of all, thank you to all of the parents who joined us for our incredible volcanoes and earthquakes assembly. It was truly a delightful experience to see the children's enthusiasm and hard work come to life.

In our Maths lessons, we have been focusing on fractions. They have shown great determination and perseverance in understanding this challenging concept. We have now moved on to angles, specifically identifying acute, obtuse, and right angles.

In Physical Education, we have been enjoying the exhilarating sport of tag rugby. The children have been developing their team-building skills, coordination, and physical fitness through this energetic and competitive sport.

Our Science lessons have been all about classifying invertebrates. The children have embraced the opportunity to explore and investigate various creatures, identifying their distinct characteristics and categorizing them accordingly. Their attention to detail and curiosity has been fantastic.

In PSHE, our focus has been on peer pressure. Through meaningful discussions, role-playing activities, and group exercises, the children have been learning how to make informed decisions, develop resilience, and resist negative influences.

Our Design and Technology project saw us creating delicious savoury pastries. The children demonstrated excellent teamwork and precision as they designed, chopped, and baked their culinary masterpieces. It was a pleasure to witness their creativity and culinary skills flourish.

I would like to highlight our recent trip to Box Hill. The children engaged in field sketches, capturing the essence of the landscape, and also learned basic navigation skills using a compass. The trip was both educational and enriching, providing the children with a hands-on experience in the great outdoors.

Looking ahead, we are excited for the much-anticipated sleepover this week. The children have been eagerly preparing for this fun event filled with games, storytelling, and bonding experiences. I am confident that it will be a memorable and enjoyable time for all involved.




This half term our geography lessons will be moving on from studying volcanoes to exploring the fascinating world of earthquakes. We have been thoroughly impressed by the outstanding projects the children have created at home, including incredible models and fact files. It is wonderful to see such enthusiasm and dedication in their learning.

In Maths, we are continuing to focus on fractions. Specifically, we are currently focusing on addition and subtraction of fractions. This is a crucial skill that will strengthen their understanding of numbers and build a solid foundation for future mathematical concepts.

In our literacy lessons, we will be comparing the cultural story of "The Rough Face Girl" to the more familiar fairy tale of "Cinderella." This comparative study allows the children to explore different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of storytelling and cultural diversity. It promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking topic.

In design and technology, our current focus is on researching the market before designing and creating savoury pastries. This project not only nurtures their creative skills but also introduces them to the concepts of market research and consumer needs. It was great to see so many children feeling confident to taste new things.

In P.E, we will be focusing on tag rugby and gymnastics. Both of these activities promote teamwork, coordination, and physical fitness.



January 2024

Happy New Year! 


January has been an exciting month for Angelfish class as we have started some great new topics.

In our geography lessons, we have been exploring the fascinating topic of volcanoes. I am delighted  that children created many home learning projects to decorate our classroom. The effort and creativity displayed in these projects is amazing! Thank you to all the parents who helped at home!

In P.E,  we are focussing on space-themed dance routines. Through this engaging and energetic activity, students have been able to combine their love for dancing with their curiosity about the vastness of our universe. It has been great to see their improvement in coordination, rhythm, and teamwork.

As we get closer to the upcoming multiplication check in May, we are working hard to master our times tables. The students have been diligently practising their multiplication skills, both in the classroom and at home. We would like to encourage parents to continue their support by regularly revising times tables with their children on TTRS. By doing so, students will be well-prepared for the multiplication check and will develop invaluable mathematical fluency that will benefit them in their future. We will be holding a parent meeting on Tuesday 30th January. Please join us!

In literacy, we have been exploring the captivating world of Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Our students have been honing their writing skills by crafting stories based on characters with flaws, drawing inspiration from Dahl's rich storytelling. It has been incredibly rewarding to see the imagination and creativity our students have displayed while developing their characters and narratives.


December 2023


It has been a month filled with exciting activities and experiences in Year 4.

Our trip to the library was a great success, and the children showed enthusiasm in learning how to rent books. It's fantastic to see them developing an interest in reading and using the library as a valuable resource for learning. Visiting the local church to understand how some Christians celebrate Christmas, was a brilliant opportunity for the students to gain cultural insights and foster respect for different traditions and beliefs.

In maths, we have been focussing on shape. Children are now confident when finding the area and perimeter of 2D shapes. We also learnt about the different types of triangles and how to identify them.

Our PE sessions have been dedicated to hockey skills, and the children have displayed great enthusiasm and teamwork during these sessions. It's wonderful to see them embracing physical activities and learning new skills.

Completing our ancient Greek topic in History provided an excellent opportunity for the children to explore and understand the wonders of ancient civilizations, fostering a love for history and curiosity about the past. The children have loved this topic. Next half term, we will move onto Geography.

In science, the students have been actively involved in investigating states of matter, and they have enjoyed investigations.

The Christmas winter wonderland party was a highlight for the children, and it was heart warming to see so many of them enjoying the festive activities and creating special memories together.


November 2023


It has been a busy month in Angelfish class. We have welcomed our new teacher Mrs Wharton who is having an amazing time teaching at Maybury! We are about to begin a new class text of ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’.

In Science, we have been investigating states of matter by learning more about solids, liquids and gasses.

In DT , we have been researching marble runs and will soon be creating and evaluating our own. This has been great fun and we have learnt a lot about structures.

Maths lessons have focussed on measure this month. We can now convert between different units and we have improved our knowledge of area and perimeter.

We enjoyed an amazing workshop this month. Life Space is an engaging way to learn about keeping your mind and body healthy. We discussed what makes us different and how we are all unique.

October 2023


This month, Angelfish have settled into Year 4 and have completed some fantastic learning.

In History, we  continued to zoom into the intriguing world of the Greeks, studying their daily life, culture, gods, and myths in a workshop led by Mr Dilly.

In Maths, we have mastered formal written methods for addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers. We are not experts at exchanging and regrouping along with being able to solve problems.


In Literacy, we have focused on writing recounts. Understanding the features and including a variety of fronted adverbials to advance our writing.

This week it is International Week and our class have been learning about China.  We made vegetable rice to sell at the food event and enjoyed our Chinese decorated classroom. We are able to find China on a map and sketch some Chinese dragons. 


September 2023


Wow! What a great start to Year4! The children have started angelfish class giving 100% effort every day! We have reminded ourselves of our school values and have been ensuring that everyone is happy in our calm classroom.

In Literacy, We have been using ‘Where the wild things are’ as our stimulus to create our own ‘wild’ stories with interesting settings. We have been reminded of expanded noun phrases and adventurous vocabulary.

In Maths, We have been learning about place value, focussing on rounding, ordering and comparing numbers up to 10,000.

Ancient Greece is our focus this half term. We have been using sketching skills in Art linked to Greek theatre masks and we have been archaeologists in History finding artefacts.

Last week, We had a special visit from Chertsey Museum to show us some special artefacts.

In our P.E lessons, we have been using team building skills to complete challenges. We used communication skills to help our partners reach a destination.