Literacy Zone
The following websites are helpful for both parents and children. They have a range of games, activities and resources that will help with supporting children's literacy learning.
The National Literacy Trust is a charity that campaigns to improve understanding of the vital importance of literacy. Their website has a range of resources and activities that can help improve key literacy skills.
The British Council website has a range of resources for supporting children and adults to learn English.
Oxford Owl Reading has 250 free e-books for you to share with your child as well as simple ideas, top tips, activities and games to help your child with their reading at home. You’ll also find advice from educational experts on many areas including phonics, motivating boys and how to help a child who is struggling with their reading.
Your child has their own Spelling shed account to help with spellings and an active learn account to help with reading. Please talk to your child's class teacher if you are having trouble accessing their account.