Parents as Partners
Sharing learning with each other!
We value the relationship we have with our parents and the significant role that parents play in the development of their child. We enjoy sharing the learning that happens in Starfish with you and would love to hear about the learning that takes place at home or whilst you are out and about.
Together, parents’ contributions and our ongoing assessment of your child will inform and contribute to your child’s ‘learning journey’ which is assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile.
Examples of your child’s learning could be:
- Showing interest and talking about the world around them.
- Mark making, drawing and describing their picture or writing
- Writing name, letters etc
- Retelling a favourite story.
- Counting and recognising numbers
- Dressing and undressing without any help
- Photo of a significant experience e.g. a birthday, wedding etc.
These are just a few examples of learning you may wish to share. All children are individuals and every child’s learning achievements will be different.
Please share your child's achievements on Tapestry.
We look forward to sharing the fantastic learning that your child achieves when they are with you.