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Rainbow Fish



Welcome to Rainbow Fish class page!


We are a kind and happy class who welcome you into our classroom to share our lovely learning.

These are the people who help us learn in Rainbow Fish.

Mrs Salim
Early Years Teaching Assistant (AM)




Miss Sheikh
Nursery Class Teacher

Mon, Tue, Wed AM

            Mrs Inwood

          SEN Assistant   

Mrs O'Brien

Nursery Class Teacher

Wed PM, Thurs, Fri

   Mrs Chaudhry

Early Years Practitioner (PM)


June 2024

This month at Rainbow Fish, the children enjoyed listening to ‘A Good Place’ and had lots of thoughts and discussions on what makes a good place for insects to live in! The children had fun exploring the different continuous provision set up for them, such as designing their own flower using various materials, exploring the flower-themed sensory tray and water tray, going on an insect hunt around the nursery garden and so much more.

Rainbow Fish also really enjoyed listening to ‘Love Our Earth’ and were fascinated to see how animals lived in different ways and how we can take care of our Earth. The children really enjoyed exploring the continuous provision that was set up for them, such as designing their own Earth using paper plates and tissue paper, mixing blue and green dye into shaving foam, playing with arctic animals in the snow Gelli Baff, exploring the interactive globe and many more. We even had the children plant sunflower seeds into small pots to take home and take care of!

Towards the end of the month, Rainbow Fish listened to ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ and ‘Big Red Bath’. The children enjoyed exploring the continuous provision that was set up for them, such as creating their own boats using the junk modelling materials, playing with the red soapy water tray, trying out bubble painting and bubble wrap printing, exploring the messy Gelli Baff, and so much more.

As the weather gets warmer, please ensure you are sending your child in with appropriate clothing and a water bottle. Thank you.


May 2024

This month at Rainbow Fish, the children enjoyed listening to ‘The Way Back Home’. The children were very interested in the book, and we had a little discussion about aliens and where they live and what they look like! The children had fun trying out the different continuous provision that was set up for them such as, mark making using moon dust, exploring the moon sand, using scrunched up foil and paint to print onto paper and so much more. We had also set up a spaceship inside the nursery for the children to enjoy!

Rainbow Fish also really enjoyed listening to ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’ and even started to join in with the words when it was being read! Rainbow Fish really enjoyed exploring the continuous provision that was set up for them such as, drawing their own maps for the bear hunt, working together to make a cave for the bear, creating their own bears using playdough and many more. The children even went on a bear hunt in the garden!

Towards the end of the month, Rainbow Fish listened to ‘Rosie’s Walk’ and enjoyed seeing the fox not being able to catch the hen! The children had fun trying the continuous provision that was set up for them such as, mark making using feathers, exploring the sensory tray, creating paper plate hens and foxes, navigating the outdoor obstacle course using positional language and so on.

Rainbow Fish also received an exciting visit this month from the ducklings! We were so proud of how some of the children had a go at stroking the ducklings even though they were slightly scared and how gentle all the children were with the ducklings! Well done Rainbow Fish!


April 2024

This month at Rainbow Fish, the children enjoyed listening to ‘Aaargh Spider!’. Rainbow Fish enjoyed the enhanced provision that had been set up for them, such as designing their very own spiders, using their fine motor skills to pick up spiders from the spider web and going on the hunt for spiders in the nursery garden! (We didn’t manage to find any!).

The Rainbow Fish class also really enjoyed listening to ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. They had lots of fun going on a caterpillar and butterfly hunt in the nursery garden, designing their own caterpillars and butterflies and even feeding a giant cut out of The Very Hungry Caterpillar! The children also had the opportunity to try out different fruits that were in the book, such as strawberries, pears and plums! We were happy to see how willing the children were to try fruits they had not tried before.

Towards the end of the month, Rainbow Fish listened to ‘Aliens Love Underpants’. They loved the book and found it very funny! The children enjoyed the enhanced provision that had been set up, such as playing and building with the moon sand, designing their own aliens and even building a rocket ship for the aliens!

March 2024

Rainbow Fish have been busy this month learning about people who help us! We learnt all about police officers, doctors and dentists. We first learnt about police officers and how they help keep us safe. We had a fun time role playing as police officers and helping to keep the nursery safe!

We learnt all about doctors and how they help take care of us. We had a doctor's surgery set up for us outside, ready to use, with doctors uniform and equipment. We all had so much fun pretending to be doctors and helping each other! We also learnt about germs and that they are not good for us, and we need to wash our hands! We have been practicing washing our hands with soap and making sure to cough/sneeze into our arms, and to throw our tissues in the bin.

We also learnt about dentists and why it is important to take care of our teeth! We all pretended to be dentists and had a turn at cleaning fake teeth with toothbrushes, toothpaste and water. We really enjoyed it and learnt the importance of brushing our teeth!

This month, we also had World Book Day. It was very exciting for Rainbow Fish as they had the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book characters and even had an exciting visit from an author!


February 2024

This month, Rainbow Fish have been enjoying listening to Jasper’s Beanstalk. The children had the opportunity to plant beans and watch them grow, which was very exciting. The children learnt that the beans needed water and light to grow, so they took turns giving the beans water and making sure there was enough light. It was lovely to see how caring and attentive Rainbow Fish were.

The children also enjoyed listening to Titch. The children enjoyed exploring the enhanced provisions that were set up, such as planting flowers and leaves on chocolate-scented playdough, designing their own pinwheels and exploring the sensory tray filled with oats and rice.

Rainbow Fish enjoyed listening and learning about firefighters. We learnt all about how firefighters help us stay safe. Rainbow Fish had fun exploring the enhanced provisions that were set up, such as dressing up as firefighters and putting out painted fires using spray bottles and small buckets of water and rescuing the small teddies from the ‘fire’ (which was actually red spaghetti!).


January 2024

Rainbow Fish have been busy this month enjoying their learning. We spent the first week learning all about buses and set up an outdoor bus and bus station for our lovely children. They really enjoyed it and had so much fun pretending they were going on a bus ride.

The children also enjoyed listening to ‘When I Build With Blocks’ and were very excited about building lots of different things using blocks. Our children built towers, bridges, castles and so much more! We were really impressed with how creative they were and how well they worked together.

The children were excited about digging up potatoes and carrots in the small garden and even used the potatoes to do block printing with paint. It was messy yet fun!

We’ve been reading ‘Dear Zoo’ and the children have really enjoyed learning about different animals at the zoo and the sounds they make. They even designed their own lion using paper plates and paint.

Due to the cold weather, please ensure you are sending your child to school with a winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves. We would really appreciate it!



December 2023

This month at Rainbow Fish, the children have been excited about seeing the classroom decorated for Christmas and all the continuous provision set out for it!

Rainbow Fish received an exciting visit from Hannah at Christ Church in Woking. She re-told the story of the Nativity and even got the children to dress up in costumes and act out the story. They had so much fun and really enjoyed it.

Rainbow Fish were also busy practicing a medley of Christmas songs for our Christmas Concert, they were very excited about performing in front of their parents. They sang with big loud voices and even did actions to match the song. We were so proud of Rainbow Fish. They did brilliantly!

November 2023

What a busy yet fun month for our lovely children at Rainbow Fish.

We had an exciting visit to the Life Space tent. The children learnt all about how to take care of their bodies with help from Harold the Giraffe. The children were so excited to join in and they really enjoyed it! We were so proud of how well-behaved and how well the children sat whilst in the Life Space tent!

We have now started to give library books to children to take home on Friday’s. Please remember to return the library books to school the following Friday. Thank you.






October 2023

Wow! What a wonderful term we have had at Rainbow Fish! The children have all settled down so well, and we are so proud of them all! We have had lots of fun listening to stories, singing songs, making and building.

We have been enjoying stories about Spot the Dog. The children loved talking about how Spot’s Nursery is similar to ours and thinking about what we might have at our own birthday party. We have been busy shopping in our role-play thinking about what we might need for dinner!

We also took part in the International Food Fair here at Maybury. We chose to represent Pakistan and made delicious barfi with the children!

Please remember as the weather turns colder to send your child in with a coat, making sure it is named. Thank you for all your support, and we hope you have a lovely half-term!


September 2023

A big warm welcome to our new and returning children! We are so proud of how Rainbow Fish Class has settled in the nursery so far. We are really looking forward to working with our new/returning children and their families.

The children have been busy learning new routines, such as tidying up and sitting down on the carpet for stories/singing/circle time. We have also been learning to make new friends.

Please remember to write your child's name on their jumper/cardigans, school bag, water bottles and coats. This is to ensure their belongings do not get mixed up. Thank you.