Rainbow Fish
Welcome to Rainbow Fish class page!
We are a kind and happy class who welcome you into our classroom to share our lovely learning.
These are the people who help us learn in Rainbow Fish.
Mrs Salim
Early Years Teaching Assistant (AM)
Miss Sheikh
Nursery Class Teacher
Mon, Tue, Wed AM
Mrs Inwood
SEN Assistant
Mrs O'Brien
Nursery Class Teacher
Wed PM, Thurs, Fri
Mrs Chaudhry
Early Years Practitioner (PM)
September 2024
A big warm welcome to our new and returning children! We are so proud of how Rainbow Fish Class has settled into the nursery so far. We are really looking forward to working with our new/returning children and their families.
The children have been busy learning new routines, such as tidying up and sitting down on the carpet for stories/singing/circle time. We have also been learning to make new friends.
Please remember to write your child's name on their school uniforms, school bag and water bottle. This is to ensure their belongings do not get mixed up. Thank you!