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Rainbow Fish



Welcome to the Rainbow Fish class page!


We are a kind and happy class that welcome you into our classroom to share our lovely learning!

Class Teachers:

Miss Sheikh (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

Mrs O'Brien (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Early Years Practitioner:

Mrs Chaudhry (Monday PM, Tuesday PM, Wednesday PM, Thursday PM, Friday PM)

Teaching Assistant's:

Miss Arshad (Monday AM, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Mrs Salim (Monday, Tuesday AM, Wednesday AM, Thursday AM and Friday AM)

Special Needs Assistant:

Mrs Inwood (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

December 2024

This month the children were excited to see the classroom being decorated for Christmas and all the continuous provision being set out for it! The children even helped put the Christmas baubles on the tree! 

Rainbow Fish had the opportunity to visit the Life Space tent. The children learnt all about how to take care of their bodies with help from Harold the Giraffe. The children were so excited to join in and they really enjoyed it! We were so proud of how well-behaved and how well the children sat whilst in the Life Space tent!

Rainbow Fish also received an exciting visit from Hannah at Christ Church in Woking. She re-told the story of the Nativity and even got the children to dress up in costumes and act out the story. They had so much fun and really enjoyed it.

Rainbow Fish were also very busy practising a medley of Christmas songs for our Christmas Concert. They were very excited about performing in front of their parents. They sang with big loud voices and even did actions to match the song. We were so proud of Rainbow Fish, they were brilliant!

November 2024

This month, the children enjoyed listening to ‘Spot Says Goodnight’ and learning about the difference between daytime and nighttime, and what we would do during the day and night!

The children also enjoyed listening to ‘Spot Goes To The Farm’ and ‘Noisy Farm’. They enjoyed learning about the different animals that live on the farm, and had fun taking part in the farm-themed enhanced provision!

We have now started to give library books to children to take home on Friday’s. Please remember to return the library books to school the following Friday so they can be changed for a different book. Thank you. 


October 2024

The children have all settled in so well, and we are so proud of them all! We have had lots of fun listening to stories, singing songs, making and building. We have now been enjoying stories about Spot the Dog. The children loved talking about how Spot’s Nursery is like ours and what they might have at their own birthday party. The children have also been busy shopping in our role-play supermarket and have been discussing what they do during the day and night.

We also took part in the International Food Fair here at Maybury. We chose to represent Pakistan and had fun decorating bunting and making delicious barfi with the children!

Please remember as the weather turns colder to send your child in with a coat, making sure it is named. We hope you have a lovely half-term!

September 2024

A big warm welcome to our new and returning children! We are so proud of how Rainbow Fish Class has settled into the nursery so far. We are really looking forward to working with our new/returning children and their families.

The children have been busy learning new routines, such as tidying up and sitting down on the carpet for stories/singing/circle time. We have also been learning to make new friends.

Please remember to write your child's name on their school uniforms, school bag and water bottle. This is to ensure their belongings do not get mixed up. Thank you!