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Sea Turtles


Welcome to Sea Turtles Class (Year 5)


Class teacher

 Mrs Wharton

Mrs Hussain
Teaching Assistant          

If you need to contact us please email: Our class email is checked regularly during term time. 

Important Class Information

  • Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays for Autumn 1.  Children must wear the correct PE kit on these days.
  • Home learning will be pages in the CGP booksGrammar is set on Tuesday and due in on ThursdayMaths is set on Wednesday and due in on FridayReading Comprehension is set on Friday and due in on Monday. Children can either upload a photo of their home learning to Google Classroom or bring their books in.
  • Reading must be completed at least 4 times a week with a comment in the reading planners. Dojo points will be awarded for reading.
  • Spelling Lists will be handed out at the start of each half-term with the test date written above each list. Children will be tested every Friday.


Please click the link here ---> Wonde <--- to type in your Emoji password to log in to Google Classroom 
Autumn 1 Timetable

It has been a busy start to the Autumn term in Sea Turtles class- I can’t believe we are already 4 weeks in to the new school year! The children have settled into their new routines in and out of the classroom incredibly well; they have demonstrated plenty of resilience and a fantastic growth mindset towards their learning. In our first week back at school, the children enjoyed researching and creating fact files on sea turtles along with some amazing pieces of art for our year 5 display.

In Literacy, the class have been very much enjoying their first unit on ‘Twisted Fairy Tales’. So far, they have re-told the fantastic story of ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big, Bad Pig’, as well as written their own adapted version. All of the children in class have been working really hard on their writing and we hope to put up more examples of their published work on the windows for you to enjoy!

Our History lessons have also sparked the interest of their ever-curious minds; we have been learning all about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings – who they were, the lasting impact they have had on Britain as well as what we can learn about them through artefacts.

We have also already been lucky enough to go on an informative and fun class trip to the North West Synagogue in Weybridge. It was a wonderful learning experience for the children to have been able to see the inside of a Synagogue first hand, and to have had the opportunity to ask plenty of questions to our lovely guide, Mickie.

In PE, the children have been developing their passing, attacking and defending skills in netball, and have certainly been getting a good run around whilst thoroughly enjoying their 3v3 games! In addition to netball, they have also been partaking in team building activities which have been equally as fun!