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Sea Turtles


Welcome to Sea Turtles Class (Year 5)


Mrs Melling 
Class teacher


Mrs Hussain
Teaching Assistant          

Miss Mitchell
HLTA (Wednesday AM/Friday PM) 
If you need to contact me please email: Our class email is checked regularly during term time. 
For google classroom:
Please click the link here ---> Wonde <--- to type in your Emoji password to log in to Google Classroom 
For Summer 2 we will have P.E on Tuesday and Friday Please wear your P.E kit on these days. 
Summer 2 Timetable

Home Learning Expectations

Home learning will be set using pages in their CGP books and our class reading texts. 

  • Home Learning will be set on google classroom.
  • SPaG will be set on Monday and due in on Wednesday
  • Maths will be set on Tuesday and due in on Thursday
  • Reading will be set on Friday and due in on Monday (This counts towards their weekend reading).
  • Spelling tests are on a Monday and the children should be practising their spellings for this.
  • Reading needs to be completed at least 4 times a week with a signature for every reading session (school books, home books and library books all count towards this)

If you child cannot access google classroom at home, please speak to me ASAP so we can support your child in accessing this.  A screenshot of the problem sent to our class email: would be greatly appreciated. 


This term, our geography topic has focused on France. The children have been learning about both the physical and human geography of this beautiful country. As part of our studies, we will be hosting our very own French café later this term.

In literacy, we have been exploring the story of Katie and the Waterlily Pond. The children have thoroughly enjoyed acting out different scenes from the story and have been working on transforming their speech bubbles into written speech. This activity has been a fantastic way to enhance their writing and comprehension skills.

Our computing lessons have revolved around databases. The children have had the opportunity to create their own paper databases and have discovered firsthand the difference in speed when searching for information compared to online databases. This hands-on experience has been valuable in helping them understand the importance and efficiency of digital databases.

During our P.E lessons, we have been focusing on swimming and water safety. I would like to emphasise the importance of swimming lessons for your child if they are not already attending. The progress we have seen in their water confidence and swimming ability has been remarkable. Learning to swim is not only a valuable life skill but also a potentially life-saving one.


In our computing lessons, we have been exploring the world of digital art. Using Google Draw, the children have been creating stunning vector drawings. As the end of topic project, the children have designed their own labels, showcasing their creativity and attention to detail.

Our literacy lessons have been equally engaging. We have recently delved into the fascinating world of reverse poems. I am thoroughly impressed with how the students have crafted their own unique poems, reflecting the complexity of emotions and ideas. Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments by stopping by and admiring the poems in our classroom window.

In our French lessons, we have been focusing on habitats. We learned the relevant French vocabulary and created impressive presentations on specific habitats.

Furthermore, our Design and Technology lessons integrated the skills from our previous computing module. Using Computer-Aided Design (CAD), the students were able to simulate and design a room for their favourite fictional characters. The enthusiasm and creativity they demonstrated in this project were remarkable. Can you guess which characters were portrayed by their designs?

As the spring term comes to a close, we are eagerly looking forward to the next half-term. One exciting highlight on our agenda is the upcoming swimming lessons. We kindly request that you ensure your child comes prepared with all the necessary swimming equipment during the first week back. This will enable them to fully participate and benefit from this important physical education experience.



Our Spring 2 topic is ‘Exploring Europe’, we started our topic by identifying the different continents. We then zoomed in on Europe and identified the countries and capital cities using atlases.

In literacy, we have started to look newspaper reports, we read ‘Tuesday’ by David  Wiesner, the book doesn’t have many words so we had to use our inference skills to work out what was happening. We are going to be writing our own newspaper reports by week 3.

In maths, we have been continuing to look at fractions, decimals and percentages. We have converted, ordered, multiplied and added fractions and decimals. We are working on our problem-solving skills.

Last term in French, we studied the weather, we learned the different types of weather in French and also created our own weather reports in French.

In computing, we used TinkerCAD to create 3D models of buildings using the select, rotate, resize, group and merge tools. The children designed their own buildings on paper and then transferred this onto TinkerCAD; their designs look incredible and every one’s looked so different!

As part of our R.E curriculum we were fortunate enough to visit the Shah Jahan Mosque.  We learned about how the mosque was built and how all of the different religions came together to build it. We had a tour of the mosque and were able to ask questions about its history and purpose.  We all learned lots of facts which we applied to our R.E lessons.

We finished off our space topic last half term by looking at the phases of the moon. We used oreos to recreate the different phases of the moon to help us understand the difference between waxing and waning.


In our literacy lessons, we have been delving into the captivating world of space through blog writing. To engage the children and cultivate their creativity, we began by exploring Tim Peake's incredible space mission. Sea Turtles then had the opportunity to craft their own remarkable blog posts. To enhance their communication skills further, the children recorded these as vlogs. It has been truly inspiring to witness their imaginations take flight!

With our science topic centered around space exploration, we kicked off our learning by blowing up inflatable planets, which brought the vastness of our solar system to life. Additionally, our budding scientists have been undertaking investigations and discussions to understand the distinction between orbiting and rotating in space. I'm delighted to see their enthusiasm for this subject and their impressive grasp of scientific concepts.

Turning to our topic lessons, our focus has been on the Tudor period. As part of this journey, the children have learned about the decisive Battle of Bosworth, a pivotal event in English history. In preparation for our class assembly on Monday 28th January, the students have been working hard to bring the Tudor era to life through their performances. We would be overjoyed if as many of you as possible can come and join us to celebrate their achievements.

Our art lessons have also been linked to the Tudors. We have been studying the works of Hans Holbein, a renowned portrait painter. By honing our sketching techniques, we have been able to create stunning half-portraits, enabling us to better understand the placement of key features. Our young artists have shown exceptional skill and creativity in this area, and I'm sure you will be impressed with the results.



In Design and Technology (DT), the children had the opportunity to make autumnal soup using fresh ingredients. They practised essential culinary skills such as chopping, mashing, boiling, and peeling to create the soup. The end result looked absolutely delicious, and the children thoroughly enjoyed the practical aspects of this activity.

In Literacy, we have been exploring the issue of plastic pollution and its impact on the environment. The students have shown a keen interest in finding ways to make positive changes, not only within our school but also in the wider community. They will be writing letters to influential figures such as David Attenborough and the Prime Minister, expressing their concerns and ideas for addressing this pressing issue. It's inspiring to see their passion for making a difference.

This month, we also had our annual Christmas performance. The children sang beautifully. Our part of the performance was all about  Christmas traditions in Spain, broadening their cultural knowledge and understanding as well as learning lots of fun facts!

I hope you have a lovely break and I looked forward to welcoming you back in January.


This month Sea Turtles have been very busy with their DT project. We are making autumnal soup using vegetables which are in season. We have learned all about seasonality and where our food comes from. We have also looked at the eat well guides so we can make our soup as nutritious as possible!  Last week we tried different soups which were already on the market before designing our own. This week we have been learning how to chop, mash, grate and peel our vegetables.

In maths we have been learning all about fractions, we have found it quite tricky to convert our fractions, we have been playing lots of games to help us with this so we can apply this to other areas of fraction such as ordering, adding and subtracting.

In science we have been learning about properties and changes of materials. This week we create an experiment to see which metals conducted electricity to get the brightest bulb. We remembered how to make our circuits from year 4.

As part of our ongoing Invaders and Settlers history topic, we have a visit from Mr Dilly who performed an engaging workshop where we learned all about the Vikings and how they raided England. We also acted out the legend of Beowulf, the children all joined in and this also helped us with our story writing in literacy!



This month in Sea Turtles we have been continuing our topic of the Anglo-Saxons, we have learned all about what they ate by excavating their faeces! The children loves being able to see the foods they ate and then creating a tally chart. We learned that they ate grains, seeds, fruit and sometimes even rocks that they used for grinding down the flour!

In R.E we have been learning all about Judaism, earlier in the year we visited the Synagogue to learn more about how some Jewish people show their faith. We learned about good deeds and linked this back to our own religions.

In literacy we have been writing travel guides, in week 1 we looked at our model text of New York. In week 2 we created a class text on Barcelona and during week 3 we created our own travel guides for places we would like to visit. All of the children worked so hard on creating their travel guides, I have been very impressed with their knowledge and skills! 

During our P.E lessons we have been learning Netball skills and putting these into practice during our high-5 games, the children have learned how to use tactics, correct footwork and which areas of the court different positions can go into. I have been very impressed with how well they have worked as a team and the sportsperson they have shown! After half term our P.E lessons will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

As part of our annual International Week, Sea Turtles learned all bout Mexico! We learned key geographical facts such as capital cities, location, languages spoken, key landmarks as well as looking at some Haiku poems which were written in Spanish. We wrote our own Haiku poems about the Mexican Day of the Dead festival. For the international food event we made our own salsa dip to go with nachos - they were delicious! 



The children have settled in to Sea Turtles well, we spent our first week together learning all about Sea Turtles and creating some art for our display in the corridor. 

Just as a reminder, Home learning needs to be uploaded to google classroom, if you are struggling to access this, please come and see me or email on our class email:

In literacy we have been writing folk tales which have alternative endings,. We read ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’ we spoke about the differences between the original and enjoyed the added humour in the story. During week 1 we rewrote the tale, in week 2 we changes our characters and the materials which the houses were built from and in week 3 we wrote our own folk tales.


In art we have been looking at the blob tree by Pip Wilson, we looked at the different emotions each blob was showing and created our own emotions. In our second lesson we experimented with different materials using, metal, wire and play dough to decide which one we thought was most suitable for our sculptures.