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Welcome to Seahorses Class (Year 1)

We are a happy and friendly class who welcome you to share our lovely learning.

Class Teacher: Mrs Horne

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Franssen                                                                             Special Needs Assistant: Miss Swinden

Welcome to Seahorses class page. 

PE days are Monday and Wednesday this half-term.

This half-term we are focussing on Art and history. Design and Technology and Geography will be next half-term.  Please come to school in your PE kit on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please read at home with your child every evening. It is really important that you support your child with their reading at home.

Each week the children will come home with spellings to have a go at copying out. If your child brings their completed spellings back into school they will get a smiley face on their chart.  There will be no formal spelling test. Homework has now started. Please complete the activity set each week in your CPG book and send it back into school each Monday along with your yellow homework book. 


Seahorses made puppets during our Design and Technology lessons. Last week we evaluated them thinking about what we like about our puppets and what we found easy, what we don’t like and what we found tricky and what we could improve if we were to make it again.

In our maths lessons we have been learning about measures. We enjoyed using the balance scales to see what items were heavier than others. This week we have been learning about capacity. We have been filling different containers with liquid and saying if they are full, empty or half full. We have learnt how to read simple scales and know that 1000ml is the same as 1 litre.

In our PE lessons we have been learning how to throw and catch. We have been playing lots of games to help with our coordination and balance and have been learning how to move around the space in different ways.


Seahorses have been learning about toys in our history lessons this half term. We really enjoyed our trip to Chertsey Museum. We got to see lots of toys that were over 100 years old and learnt about how toys have changed over time.

We got to play with lots of different old toys and learnt about the materials Victorian toys were made out of. The pop guns and skittles were particularly popular. We played old-fashioned playground games and learnt Victorian rhymes and songs.

In our Design and Technology lessons we have been learning about different textiles. We are designing and making a puppet. Here are some photos of us trying out different joining techniques. The sewing was particularly tricky even with the thread tied onto the needle for us already!


Thank you for coming to the online safety parents workshop. Here is the link for the website to support you at home with online safety.

PE days are now Monday and Thursday for this half term.

This half term we will be learning about toys and how they have changed over time  in our History lessons, seasonal change in our Science lessons and  we will be designing and making a puppet in our Design and Technology lessons.

The children have been enjoying using rackets and balls in PE lessons. They work individually, as a pair and as part of a team to practise learning different skills. 

In Maths we have been looking at position and direction and the vocabulary associated with it.  We have been talking about where items are located and moving different objects to in front of, between, behind , on top of, under and next to. We have also been working on learning our left and right and turning whole and half turns to the left and right.


We have already had a very busy start to 2024. Seahorses PE days are Monday and Wednesday for this half-term. The children have started learning about weather in Geography, materials and their properties in Science, digital literacy in computing and have started a seasonal art journey.

In our Maths lessons we have been learning how to subtract and about all the other vocabulary that also means subtract. We have been physically taking away objects and jumping backwards along a number line as well as writing our own take-away number sentences.

We are looking at sculpture in our art lessons. The children learnt how to make their own paper snowflakes by folding and cutting. They had to follow the instructions very carefully and were very excited by their finished results.

The children enjoyed using the now press play headsets to take on the role of different characters in the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Re-telling a story through acting helps the children to understand how each of the characters might be thinking and feeling.



We have been working really hard with our writing this half-term and are becoming more independent. The children are working hard to remember their capital letters, full stops and finger spaces and have started to use adjectives to describe nouns. They watched the John Lewis advert about give a little love and wrote about the things they saw independently. The children are now starting to write words using their Fred fingers and can use the sound mat to help them if they are unsure of how to spell words. 

Phonics - Pennoweth School

The children have been making their own moving picture in our design and technology lessons. We have learnt about mechanisms and they have been making sliders, pivots and flaps. They had to concentrate really hard and learn how to use tools safely. We look forward to sharing our completed work with you.

We have been learning to double click to open programmes and to click and drag using a mouse in our computing lessons. It took some time to get used to it as we are now so used to using our fingers to move things around on a screen!


Seahorses have been busy learning about  Space in our history lessons. They loved learning about all the planets in our solar system and the history of space travel.

In our Science lessons we are learning about the different seasons and what the weather is like in the Autumn and Winter. The children collected signs of Autumn and made up their own Autumn weather forecast in pairs.

This week we have been looking at shapes in our Maths lessons. We have been sorting shapes by their properties and learning to name both 2D and 3D shapes. We have also been making models and finding out which 3D shapes stack and which ones don't!

This half term in Design Technology we are going to be making a moving picture with mechanisms. The children like looking at pop up books and seeing how they work. They have already explored how to make different mechanisms and have completed their designs ready to start making in the next couple of weeks.

At the start of November Seahorses got to visit the life space where they met Harold the Giraffe. They learnt all about different food groups and how much you should eat of each group. They also learnt about how to take care of themselves and how to be a good friend.



In Geography lessons we have been learning about our local area and the physical and human features we find in Woking. We enjoyed going on a local area walk into Woking. We visited the alien, Christchurch, the library and the train station. We saw different shops, restaurants, cafes, banks and estate agents. We looked at all different housing types and then went to Boundary Park. We had great fun playing with our friends.

In our Science lessons we have been learning about animals including humans. This week we learnt about our 5 different senses and did experiments using them. The children loved smelling and tasting different foods.


The children have settled in well to Seahorses Class. They have been getting used to being with each other again, taking turns and sharing. We have spent the first few days of term learning new routines and exploring the classroom and outdoor area. 

We loved painting and decorating our own paper plate Seahorse for one of the displays in the classroom and in the corridor. In our first PE lesson we learnt how to bounce and catch a ball.