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Special Educational Needs

Our Inclusion Leader is Mrs Sullivan, and you can contact her by using the email address; or by calling the school on 01483 763272.

We know that parent/carer engagement in learning is the most important predictor of success and achievement for all children. We are aware that for many parents/carers there may be additional challenges based on communication needs and possibly, their own experiences at school and access to education which may impact on their views.  Research over time has shown that there is a gap in parental engagement that particularly affects our most socially disadvantaged children and that this in turn can further impact on their life chances.

Parent/carer involvement takes many forms and building supportive home/school links as early as possible helps us to identify potential barriers and support the specific needs of all our children and their families.

We are committed to doing whatever we possibly can to promote the best life chances for our children, and with this in mind we utilise the following strategies to support our work with parents/carers:

  • An inclusive and welcoming environment. Daily opportunities for face to face contact between parents/carers and school staff
  • A member of the Senior Leadership team is at the school gate at the start and end of each school day for parents/carers to talk to
  • A full time Home School Link Worker (HSLW) who is multi-lingual is available for face to face meetings or telephone conversations throughout the day who offers a wide range of parent/carer support
  • Different methods of communication to suit preference and wherever possible translation services to enable parents/carers to give and receive information and be involved.
  • Regular communication about what is happening in school and how this can be supported at home
  • Class emails for parents/carers to email class teachers during school hours
  • Regular Stay and Play sessions in Reception and half termly parent end of day “drop ins” to see what their child has been learning
  • Parents/carers in EYFS can use Tapestry and in KS1 can use Seesaw to see first-hand what their children are learning about each day and comment on their videos and photos
  • Termly parent meetings which can also be translated for families who require the support of our HSLW.
  • Parent events throughout the year (International Day, Family Fun Day, and Christmas productions)
  • Workshops and information hubs
  • Supported meetings with professionals and joint target setting/transition planning with parents/carers
  • Signposting to external support services
  • Opportunities to participate in parent projects to raise attainment for particular pupil groups
  • Regular Parent questionnaires to gain the views of all stakeholders

Please click here to view the following policies:

  • Accessibility Plan 2022-2025
  • SEND/Inclusion Policy 

Whole School Provision Overview

SEND Information Report 2023

SEN Local Offer Document