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Welcome to Starfish class page!


We are a kind and happy class who welcome you into our classroom to share our lovely learning.

These are the people who help us learn in Starfish


Mrs Eldred
Class teacher
Mrs Rente
Teaching Assistant 

Miss Bondar
Teaching Assistant (am)
Miss Mitchell

Miss Hood


If you need to contact Mrs Eldred, please email: or message on Tapestry

**Please click here for Starfish Home Learning**

Our PE day is on Friday.  Please come to school in your PE kit on a Friday.
Stay and Play is on every Monday morning, 8.35am to 8.55am 


July 2024


We have been learning about the season, summer.  Summer is the warmest season.

We have learnt that in the summer the weather gets hot and sunny and we need to wear clothes that keep us cool.

The sun’s rays are strong in the summer, so we have to use sun cream to stop our skin from burning.

We learnt to stay safe in the sun, we slip, slop, slap…

Slip on a t-shirt.

Slop on sun cream.

Slap on a hat. And wear sunglasses and find shade to play in.

In summer, gardens are full of coloured flowers and trees are covered in green leaves.  It is a great time to do things outside.  We see wasps and bees buzzing around and beautiful butterflies.  Many fruits are ready to eat in the summer.

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, peaches and watermelon.

In the summer it is fun to eat outside or go on a picnic.  When it is very hot, ice cream helps to cool you down.


The Three Little Fish and our assembly

Starfish have been reading the story of The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark.  It reminds us of the story of The Three Little Pigs.

We joined in with the story and took turns to act it out.  We also wrote the story using our phonics.



We were so good that we performed it for our Mums and Dads in our assembly.


We also learnt some new songs for our assembly.  Our favourite one was ‘Suki over the Ocean’.

 Click here to play Suki Over the Ocean

Sports Day

The children had fun at their sports day.  The children were in 4 teams, red, blue, yellow and green.

They took part in different races.

Balance the Beanbag.

Beanbag Toss.

Teddy Relay Race.

Over and Under.

June 2024

This term we have been learning about insects and spiders.  Did you know spiders are not insects?  We learnt that insects have 6 legs, but spiders have 8 legs.  We learnt a poem about spiders.

We have been watching some tiny caterpillars grow into big fat caterpillars, then hide in a chrysalis changing into butterflies.  The children were fascinated to see the changes.  It reminded us of the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar, one of our favourite stories.

       Insect Lore Butterfly Garden Kit With Two LIVE Cups Of, 49% OFF

We also read the story of Sam’s Sandwich and made our own disgusting sandwiches filled with bugs.  We tried to trick our teachers to eat them.  We also wrote what Sam put in his sandwich using our phonic knowledge.

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We have loved going on bug hunts at school, and we are always on the lookout for them.

The children made bugs out of play dough and 'loose parts'.


In maths, Starfish have been exploring what number you need to add to 5 to make 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 e.g. 5 needs 4 to make 9.  The children are good at representing their answers on their fingers, using maths manipulatives and using drawings.

May 2024

Family Book

We have been reading one of our protected characteristic books, The Family Book and celebrating the many different types of families.  We compared our families with our friends and talked about the differences and the similarities.  Some children chose to draw their families.


Starfish were so 'eggcited' when 5 white eggs were delivered to our classroom for us to look after.

This started great discussions as to what could be inside.  The children thought maybe.... dinosaurs, dragons, snakes, turtles, chicks, penguins, birds?  We would have to wait and see.


We didn't wait long before our first egg hatched and out came a little yellow duckling.  We named it Rosie.  Rosie was followed by Daisy another yellow duckling and then 3 more ducklings called Buddy, Ducky and Bob.

The children have been fascinated learning about the ducklings and have learnt lots of new words and facts associated with ducks such as 'hatching', 'bill' and 'webbed feet' and many more.

Our ducklings have inspired our children to write, paint and draw.



The children love to cuddle the ducklings and have learnt how to handle them gently.  We have discussed the needs of the ducklings and what living things require for life.  This led us to talking and sorting things that were 'alive' and things that 'have never been alive.'


Then on Tuesday after lunch we came back to the classroom to find our ducklings had gone.  We were so worried about them.  We wrote Lost posters so everyone knew to help us look for them.  Even the police came and helped us find them!  All 5 ducklings were returned.  Thank you to everyone who helped us search for them and to the Police Officers Bradley Cooper and Tony Charles.



We are sad to say bye bye to our ducklings but are happy that they are going to live on the farm where Miss Bondar lives, so we will get regular duck updates and know that they will love their new home with 2 ponds - the ducklings love swimming!

April 2024

Elm Farm

What a lovely start to the summer term with a trip to Elm Farm. 

Starfish had a fantastic time meeting and feeding the animals.  The children are becoming superb at naming the different farm animals and the names of their babies too.  We fed meal worms to the chickens who were hungry, and fresh vegetables to the greedy guinea pigs.


All the farm animals were enjoying sleeping in the spring sunshine.


All the children were well-behaved. Thank you to everyone who came to help us.

Ramadan and Eid

Lots of children in Starfish Class were getting excited for Eid.  They have been celebrating Ramadan, a time for Muslims to be thankful, kind and do good deeds, especially for people in need.  Lots of children told us how they had cooked food for people who were hungry, given money to charity, read a bedtime story to their brothers and sisters and even helped tidy up their house and garden.

We read the story telling us about Ramadan.

We learnt when the new moon is spotted in the sky, Ramadan ends and Eid begins.  This is a time to celebrate with family and friends.  At Eid, many Muslims go to the Mosque to pray, wear new clothes, get presents and have a party with lots of yummy food.

March 2024


The children have been really interested in learning about the Christian festival of Easter.  They compared Easter to other festivals they know about such as Ramadan and Eid.  The children took part in Easter activities and particularly enjoyed our Easter Egg hunt, where they found eggs, opened them to reveal what was inside.  The children either had a word to read using their phonics or a picture where they had to use their phonics to write a word.


We decorated an Easter tree.

And tried hot cross buns - they were delicious

Hot Cross Buns | Artisan Breads | Hambleton Bakery | Buy Online

We read Easter words using our phonic knowledge, made Easter Egg patterns on the lightbox.


We also made chocolate Easter nests.  We remembered how we had melted chocolate before, when we were learning about Belgium.  Yummy!  


Blue Chameleon

We have been reading one of our protected characteristics book about a chameleon who had no friends and tried to find a new friend.  Chameleon thought he had to change to make a friend; he thought he had to look like his friends.  We talked about our similarities and differences and that we can be ourselves and not have to change to be like others to get friends.  We played a game where we had to make new friends.  The children have been telling their friends why they like them.

Signs of Spring

Starfish went on a spring walk to look for signs of spring.  The children took photos of the things they found.

We read the book, 'What Can You See in Spring?' before we went on our spring walk.  We learnt what a bud and blossom was and the names of some spring flowers such as daffodils, tulips, daisies and dandelions.  

We learnt about 'April showers' and guess what, as soon as we went out on our walk it started to rain.  We got caught in a shower without an umbrella!

Take a look at the photos the children took.

The children looked carefully at the spring daffodils and had a go at drawing them using pastels.


They found out about the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh, and were sad that no one liked his lovely paintings when he was alive.  We looked at lots of his paintings and decided we really liked them and even tried to be artists like him.  We copied his 'Almond Tree' painting as we liked the blossom we saw on our spring walk.

Blossoming Almond Tree | Van Gogh Gallery


We also planted our own wild flower garden, so the bees and butterflies can enjoy our garden in the summer.  We are going to look after them and remember to water them and give them lots of sun to help them grow.

Book Week

We started Book week by inviting our mummies and daddies to join us for stories at story time.  We really enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with them.

The children loved coming to school dressed as their favourite book characters.  They enjoyed talking about their character and saying which book they were from.

In Starfish Class we love stories from lots of different authors.  We wrote about the characters from our favourite story books using our phonics to help us spell the words.

Mother's Day

This week the children have been thinking about all the things their mummies do for them.
They were very excited to sing songs to their mummies and give them their cards and flowers.



We sang...

'I love my Mummy.  My special Mummy.

You make me happy when I am sad.

I want to tell you, how much I love you.

When I'm with you, I always feel glad.'

We also sang...

'I have a very special Mum and Mummy is her name o.

M U M M Y . M U M M Y.  M U M M Y.

And Mummy is her name o'

Thank you for coming and to the daddies too.
Happy Mother's Day!


The children also enjoyed writing about why they love their Mummies

7 is made of...

The children in Starfish Class have enjoyed finding different ways to make 7.  They have used the STEM sentence '7 is made of....'  They have learnt to represent the different ways using their fingers and recording it in their own ways.


February 2024

Colour Mixing

Starfish class have been exploring mixing colours together.

They discovered how to make orange, green and purple from red, blue and yellow.

They used their colours to paint pictures...



Oral Health

Starfish class have been exploring how to keep their teeth healthy.  They have learnt that to keep their teeth healthy they need to brush their teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and visit the dentist regularly.



The children found out facts about teeth....

 You need teeth to eat, talk, and smile.     


​ ​

When you are 4 you should have 20 milk teeth, but these milk teeth will be replaced with adult teeth as we get older.

Starfish learnt that our teeth do not like sugar.  They sorted food into those that were good for teeth and those that were bad for teeth.

The children wrote posters reminding everyone of the importance of keeping your teeth healthy using their phonic knowledge.

Internet Safety Story time

Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our Internet Safety story time.

We read our favourite Internet Safety story, Chicken Clicking and a new one 'Webster's email'.



The Gingerbread Man Story

The children in Starfish have been enjoying reading the story of The Gingerbread Man.  They enjoyed joining in with the repeated words in the story and loved the ending when the fox eats the Gingerbread Man in one big gulp.

The children know the story really well and were able to draw imaginary maps of the journey the Gingerbread Man took.  

We baked our own Gingerbread Men, mixing the ingredients together, rolling out the dough, cutting the gingerbread man shapes, decorating them before baking and eating them.  Yummy!

We also made a giant Gingerbread Man.  That's when the trouble began...

Our giant Gingerbread Man, jumped out of the oven and ran away.  He has been spotted around school in different locations.


Jumping out of the oven and running away from us.


Reading tricky red words with Fred Frog.

Please keep your eye out for him and let Starfish know if you spot him.  We want to eat him!

Starfish made Lost posters using their phonic knowledge, so everyone at school could help us find our gingerbread man before the fox finds him and eats him.


Things did not end well for the gingerbread man, the foxes found him and ate him up!

Luckily, Mrs Eldred cooked a spare one for us just in case this was to happen,

Take a look at some more Gingerbread Man learning in Starfish Class.


January 2024

Happy New Year and welcome back to school.


Starfish were very excited in their first PE lesson this term.  We got out the wall bars and practised climbing and balancing across different apparatus.  We also learnt how to jump off equipment safely by bending our knees and landing on our feet.  We are all really looking forward to next Friday when we will get the wall bars out again.



Stay and Play Sessions

Today we had our first Stay and Play session in Starfish Class.  Lots of Mummies and Daddies came to play and help us with our learning.

Play and Stay sessions are every Monday from 8.35am to 8.55am.  It is a fantastic opportunity to see what your child is learning at school.  Please come along and join in with us whenever you can.

The Winter of season

Starfish have also been learning about the coldest season, winter.  They enjoyed exploring and investigating the ice that had formed overnight.  The children tried to melt the ice in their warm hands, but this made their hands cold.  Some of the children used the hammer to smash the ice.


We talked about the clothing that we wear in winter to keep warm and packed 'Fred' some warm clothes in his case to wear when it snows on his holiday.

We also talked about some misconceptions that the sun shines only in the summer when it is hot and that it always snows in winter in England.

The children have been comparing Woking in winter to the South Pole where the penguins live.  

Lightbox Trip

We walked into town to visit the Lightbox for a storytelling workshop.  We listened to the story of 'The Princess and the Frog.'  We joined in with the story language.  We then made a puppet of one of the characters using scraps of different materials.  We used scissors to cut and glue to join the materials together.


December 2023

Today (Thursday 14th)  we had a very exciting day.  We had a special visitor to see us.  It was Santa with a big sack of presents for us. Thank you, Santa. Also, we had our Christmas lunch which was fun, we got to pull a cracker and have roast turkey.  The day finished with a game of pass the parcel.  Happy Christmas everyone!


Starfish enjoyed a walk into Woking Town to visit Christchurch and find out all about Christmas.  The children looked for Christmas symbols in the church and acted out the Nativity story.



We all had a great time at the Pantomime in town.  This year it was Peter Pan.  We enjoyed booing Captain Hook and joining in with the pantomime language and silly games which we found very funny!


There was much excitement in Starfish Class when Santa sent us one of his Christmas elves to check that we were being good and installed a ’Santa Cam’.  Every morning the elf is found somewhere in our classroom doing something different, and the children have enjoyed finding him. 

Starfish enjoyed learning different Christmas poems and performing them in front of all our school families.  The children were very brave, used their loud voices and entertained everyone with their different personalities.

Starfish Class  have been comparing Christmas to other celebrations. They had fun decorating Christmas trees, playing Christmas games, wrapping presents and writing labels.  They even helped Santa to deliver presents to the correct houses and designed and wrote their own Christmas cards. 

November 2023

Little Street

Starfish had lots of fun on their first school trip to Little Street.  They got to dress up and pretend to be lots of different people within our community.  The children were so well-behaved, and we were so proud of them all.  The staff at Little Street also commented on how well-behaved our children were.  They were great ambassadors for our school.

Take a look at what we got up to...

We got to be the shopkeeper and go shopping for our tea.


We also got to be the doctor and the patients.


Some of us were builders.


Some of us dressed up and put on a show.


Some of us chose to be farmers and look after the animals. 


We enjoyed driving the cars around the road, and we got a drink.


Life stages

We have been reading 'As we Grow' and have been exploring what happens as we get older.  The children have been naming and ordering the different life stages.

Some children ordered the dolls house people and noticed that the elderly people had grey hair and the man had gone bald and lost some of his hair.

Some children ordered the different life stages outside from baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult to elderly.  The children noticed that the elderly man had a walking stick to help him walk.  We talked about how when we were a baby we couldn't walk, then we learnt as a toddler,  got better and faster as we became a child, teenager and adult but then needed help as we got older again.

The children have also been comparing themselves now to when they were a baby.  Wow, we have learnt to do lots of things.  We can now walk, talk, run, jump, eat, drink from a cup, sleep in a bed, learn our sounds and use them to read words.  The list goes on and on....


Odd Sock Day 

This week is anti-bullying week (week beginning 13.11.2023), and today we came to school in odd socks to show that it is OK to be different.  We also talked about the concepts same and different.

The Festival Diwali

Starfish Class have enjoyed finding out about the festival of Diwali.  The children used clay to make Diva lamps.



We found out that some people give gifts of sweets at Diwali time.  The children used the play dough to make sweets to give to their friends.

The children also made rangoli patterns outside using chalk to decorate our garden for Diwali.



If you want to find out more about Diwali you can watch the videos below.

Click HERE to watch the Diwali Videos

Remembrance Day

The children in Starfish Class remembered the brave soldiers that fought and died in the war.  We talked about the poppies that people wear to remember the brave soldiers.  The children decided to make their own poppies to help them remember and say thank you.




Autumn Walk

Starfish went on a walk looking for signs of autumn.  We have learnt that in the autumn the weather gets cooler, and we start to need to wear a coat.  It can be quite a windy time of year too.  The leaves on the trees change colour and then fall to the ground.  

We learnt a poem about the leaves falling in autumn.

Leaves are falling, leaves are falling.

One fell on my nose.

Leaves are falling, leaves are falling.

One fell on my toes.

Leaves are falling, leaves are falling.

One fell on my head

Leaves are falling, leaves are falling.

Yellow, orange, red.

We read the story of Leaf Man and used the autumn leaves to make our own leaf people.


The Life Space

Harold the giraffe came to school to teach us how we can keep healthy. He told us we need to eat healthy food, get lots of exercise (an hour a day) and lots of sleep (12 hours a night). Did you know we grow when we are asleep?

Harold reminded us about the importance of brushing our teeth after breakfast and before we go to bed and washing our hands before eating and after going to the toilet.



October 2023

International week

The week before half-term was international week.  njoyed learning about the country Belgium.  They particularly enjoyed cooking and tasting Belgium waffles.​

We found Belgium on a world map and the globe and discussed how we would travel to Belgium. 


We found out that football is a popular sport in Belgium, and it is where The Smurfs came from.  In Belgium, people speak French, German and Dutch.



Belgium is famous for Belgium chocolate, Belgium chocolate and fries with mayonnaise - yummy!


Protected Characteristics

This month we have been reading the book 'You Choose'.  This is one of our 'Protected Characteristic' books which promotes children saying what they think and having a choice. 

We have also been talking about keeping safe when we are 'online' and enjoyed discussing what "clicking chicken' got up to on the computer.  

One night, Chick hops into the farmer's house and has a browse on his computer - CLICK - soon she's shopping online for the whole farm! But when she arranges to meet up with a friend she's made online, she discovers all is not as it seems...

Fred Game

Here is a great video to watch to help your child blend sounds together.  This link will run out in December.  Enjoy watching.

Click HERE to watch Fred Games. Or use the QR code below.

The children in Starfish are really enjoying their phonics learning and are excited every morning to find out what sound they are learning each day.  The children have enjoyed practising their sounds as they play in our school role play being the teacher.


In maths, we have introduced the children to subitising, an essential maths skill for developing composition of numbers.  The children use their 'fast eyes' to say the amount of objects/dots they see, they don't count and  also represent each amount on their fingers.


Subitising and copying dice patterns.



Have a go at home. 

"Fast eyes, don't count, say the amount!



Saying what you notice, 'I have 3 dinosaurs', 'I see 1 cherry on the cake', 'The car has 4 wheels, 2 here and 2 here'.

The children are really enjoying taking turns on our interactive whiteboard, where they are learning to play games and draw by clicking on icons to make things happen.


Starfish are also learning to look after our garden and know they have to water the plants to help them grow bigger.


Practise i p n g o at home.  Click on the QR codes to watch videos with Fred the Frog.

September 2023

Welcome back and welcome to our new children and families.  The children in Starfish Class are settling in very well to life at school, exploring their new classroom and garden, learning our new routines, making new friends and are developing their listening skills, which are so important for learning.

The children have adapted to having lunch at school really well, trying new foods and trying to use their knives and forks.  I have never seen so many clean plates!

See photos below of our happy, settled children.


Phonics learning

Clear pronunciation of sounds is extremely important when teaching phonics. This video will demonstrate how to say sounds clearly.  Click the link below.

How to pronounce sounds RWI

Here is a useful video for you, to help you know how to support your child at home with their first stages of reading.  Children need to learn many things such as their phonic sounds and being able to use 'Fred Talk' before bringing home a reading book from school.
Any questions about reading and reading books please ask me directly.
Thank you.
Mrs Eldred

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Click on the link below to find out more about our phonics teaching at Maybury.  

A Parents Guide to Read Write Inc Phonics

Practise m a s d t at home.  Click on the QR codes to watch videos with Fred the Frog.