Wellbeing of Staff
Wellbeing is essential for everyone learning and working at our school. We have created the below list to celebrate some of the things we do for wellbeing:
74 Things we do at Maybury for Wellbeing
(and counting…)
Teaching and learning, planning and curriculum
- Staff are trusted to choose the layout of their lessons.
- No grading for individual lessons – we look at teaching overtime.
- PPA can be taken at home.
- Specialist teachers support teachers with planning and subject knowledge – Reading Recovery teacher, PE teacher, music teacher from MAT school, etc.
- Fast feedback reduces marking workload and allows teachers more time to prepare lessons.
- Support staff also mark books when working with a group.
- Staff use pre-recorded assemblies and only lead one assembly a half term – the majority of assemblies are led by SLT which gives staff more time to plan and prepare resources.
- The curriculum is rich, varied and changed for the needs/interests of the children. We are not afraid to make changes when there is a need to.
- Everyone is a member of a curriculum team and we all contribute to the school’s curriculum.
- Everyone is responsible for the schools development plan and we all contribute to implementing it.
- Fortnightly virtual whole school team meetings take place to ensure that all staff members are aware of any changes taking place.
- We work closely with our feeder schools to ensure that there is a smooth transition into the children’s next phase of learning.
- Homelearning is put on the website weekly and CGP books are available incase of bubble closures.
- Everyone has the highest expectations of behaviour, with all staff (not just the teaching staff) reinforcing those expectations. All staff take responsibility for managing behaviour.
- All that we do is rooted in our school values. We expect staff, children and families to display these values in our school.
- There is a clear behavioural policy which has been updated with changes due to Covid-19 that is applied consistently.
- Supportive and responsive SLT are visible around the school, with offices in both key stage blocks.
- The school works closely with parents to address unacceptable behaviour swiftly.
- Behaviour concerns are logged and actioned quickly.
- While weekly vulnerable children meetings are not able to take place, staff are able to share their concerns with SLT and other members of staff in their bubble.
- Resources are available to support children with emotional learning needs, e.g: ELSA, Lego therapy, etc.
- Circle time training has been delivered to staff to allow opportunities for talking about feels and experiences.
- Weekly celebration assemblies in class celebrate positive attitudes to learning, progress and achievement in all curriculum areas.
- We all have positive touch training.
- Wellbeing and mental health assemblies have taken place every week since the school reopened.
- The ‘wellbeing scale’ has been used for children to identify how the children are feeling and worry boxes are in every classroom.
Assessment and reporting to parents
- Parents email the school office or use class email address to contact teachers.
- Assessment records can be recorded on Scholar Pack straight away using Ipads.
- Most marking can be completed during the lesson using fast feedback.
- Moderations use normal exercise books – no need to photocopy any evidence.
- Moderations largely take place during staff meeting times.
- Pupil progress meetings are supportive and interventions are put in place for children who need additional support.
- Staff get a report writing day every year.
- Reports have been reduced to be more parent friendly and less time consuming for staff.
- Jobs share teachers split parents evening slots so they don’t both have to attend all appointments.
- Assessment analysis is completed by the assessment leader and shared with staff.
- SLT work with teachers to deal with parental concerns swiftly. Teachers are supported with challenging situations.
- Staff working in key assessment year groups, will attend training to ensure they have a clear understanding of the procedures and expectations in their year group.
- A supportive data collection/intervention focus by DHT and AHT after Autumn 1 to focus on any children who need additional support academically or emotionally.
Personal development
- CPD is tailored specially to staff needs, all staff have opportunities to participate in CPD and share good practice.
- Educare online modules have provided an e-learning platform for further CPD.
- Staff are given time to put new things into action.
- Staff meetings are succinct and finish at 4.30pm.
- Twilight training allows staff to have non-attendance INSET days.
- Non-hierarchical approach to professional development – we all learn from each other!
- Meetings will only take place when they are needed and staff will not have to attend if it is seen as not relevant for them.
- Supportive action plans for staff who need further support.
- We develop leadership positions at all levels.
- Performance management is tailored to individual needs. Data targets are not used punitively but in an aspirational way. We begin with the assumption that everyone will achieve their targets unless they haven’t done all they can to improve pupil outcomes. Appraisal documents have been made more succinct.
- Outside or virtual training is available for all staff where appropriate.
- We work closely with other EEEA schools to provide further CPD and support. Resource sharing also reduces work load.
We work hard, play hard
- There are no prizes for looking busy or staying late – work in a way that suits you and make sure you take time for yourself and your family.
- There are no expectations for answering emails outside school hours.
- A staffroom board is dedicated to praising each other (staff shout out board).
- We have a wellbeing mug that is passed around the school.
- We regularly survey staff to get their honest opinions about how to improve and we act upon what is said.
- There is an open-door policy for SLT – no concern is too small.
- We have regular staff socials and an INSET dedicated to wellbeing.
- We celebrate significant birthdays or events as a whole team, e.g.: weddings, baby showers, etc.
- Seasonal events for everyone to show their less serious side, e.g.: World book day, mufti days, pantomime visits, talent shows, whole school Christmas lunch, etc. During the pandemic, whole staff virtual quizzes, more workshops for children and ‘Now Press Play’ have been used in place of our usual seasonal events.
- Staff choose the after school club they run to reflect their skills and talents.
- We have a dedicated wellbeing week every year which is focused on staff and child wellbeing.
- Every member of staff can take a paid well-being day every year to take on a day of their choice.
- Throughout the year staff are provided with hospitality including: a shared lunch at INSET training; dinner is provided at late school events (parents evenings); and free tea and coffee is available for all staff.
- Motivational statements are displayed on staff mirrors promote self-esteem and self-worth.
- All staff have access to a free and confidential employee support service.
- SLT who are proactively taking actions to reduce staff workload and promote staff wellbeing.
- Staff contributed to a number of wellbeing videos for families during Lockdown and children were invited to send in their contributions. A weekly homelearning newsletter was also sent to all families during Lockdown.
- Staff can add their comments into a staff comment box.
- Cleaning products for keeping classrooms and communal areas clean have been readily available to all staff. A Perspex window has been put in the office area to protect office staff from infection.
- A temporary second staff room has been set up and made ‘homely’ to maintain social distancing during the pandemic.
- We are working towards the wellbeing award to celebrate our successes and further tweak what we do.
- We have extended the school day and planned twilights to enable staff and families to have a 2 week half term in May.
- Our school is a happy, supportive place to work!